Michael Stone
on November 29, 2020
You're the fanatics that perpetuate what's turning this nation to shit. You vote for your favorite popular cult brand of shit and expect that to fix it. You think more broken, more corruption equals restoration. You're the ones with the "Come and take them" and the Gadsden flag, "don't tread on me" bumper stickers on your pick up right next to the sticker worshiping the State boot thugs that are the ones that come and take them and will be the ones that eventually will come and take yours. Like you, law enforcement follows ignorantly and apathetically. You're not going to do anything that matters until its too late and nothing you can do will matter. Real talk "patriots"...
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Joe Johnson
Spoken like a beta-male still on the tit!
November 29, 2020
Michael Stone
Michael Stone replied - 1 reply