Publish Date: January 2, 2021
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The Cairo Curmudgeon
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The Cairo Curmudgeon
Of COURSE he came down yesterday for 5:00 ! The heat factor was well over 100* and he knows the applejack's chilled. After his gulping, he wanted to know why MSM and social media constantly repeat the... View More
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The Cairo Curmudgeon
Somewhere between 45-50yrs. of age, we begin to understand things on a different level. With every year after, the comprehension becomes exponential. Those of us "long in the tooth" aren't demented or... View More
The Cairo Curmudgeon
An update on "the book". Since I type with my right index finger, that was out of the question. I ordered speech software, but it wouldn't recognize my southern accent, and I refuse to learn how to sp... View More
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Rusty Wilson
I'm looking forward to the book my friend!
July 7, 2022
The Cairo Curmudgeon
When a roadrunner takes on a rattlesnake, it's fascinating to watch. The roadrunner makes many trips to the nearest cactus where he picks up spiny debris. He runs it over and dumps it in front of the ... View More
The Cairo Curmudgeon
People are always asking me why I think things are afoot, and I'm usually quiet. I really don't think I'll be giving out any secrets here, just scratch the surface. Used to be, when you were out hunti... View More
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