The Cairo Curmudgeon
on July 9, 2022
Of COURSE he came down yesterday for 5:00 ! The heat factor was well over 100* and he knows the applejack's chilled. After his gulping, he wanted to know why MSM and social media constantly repeat the same stories over and over, day after day, ad nauseam. I chuckled, and shared what I know until now. The difference is between education and indoctrination. Indoctrinated people need constant reaffirmation or they'll forget. Educated people are taught how to think for themselves. The indoctrinated are easier to distract and control while they frantically attempt to push their failed agenda. George asked what failed agenda, and I educated him on communism and socialism. I pointed out the demise of everywhere it's been implemented. He wanted to know why people buy into all that, knowing the eventuality of failure. That's when I informed him that they don't teach world history anymore. He asked me what it would take for everybody to want freedom. I contemplated the best analogy I could, and asked him if he REALLY wanted to know. He said yes.
I grabbed him by his scruff, and ran down to the corner of our property where there's a pond. I jumped in, and plunged his head underwater for quite a bit, then pulled him up. He sucked air, and I plunged him back in. I waited a bit longer this time, then hauled him up. He gulped air, and once again, down he went. I held him until he stopped blowing bubbles this time, then pulled him up. He was frenetic getting air. I walked him out, and we sat down while he recovered. He asked me what that was all about, he'd just asked a simple question. I told him to consider himself educated now. He was puzzled until I asked him how bad he wanted that third breath. He said more than anything in his life! I just grinned, and carried him to the porch where we had a couple of gulps. I told him that when he wanted freedom that bad, he'd do anything to get it. No, freedom isn't free, nor automatic. It takes diligence and work, not platitudes from milquetoasts. It's not for the weak.
As he started hobbling off, I asked him where he was going. He grinned, and said he was gonna talk to his scurry down at the pool. I think he got it !
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