The Cairo Curmudgeon
on July 6, 2022
When a roadrunner takes on a rattlesnake, it's fascinating to watch. The roadrunner makes many trips to the nearest cactus where he picks up spiny debris. He runs it over and dumps it in front of the rattlesnake before the snake can strike him. Then, back to the cactus for more. This keeps up until the snake is surrounded with piles of debris. Then, the dance begins. The roadrunner feints in and out, egging the snake on to keep striking. Every time it does, it picks up cactus spines in it's neck until eventually it dies. Guinea hens simply surround the snake, and peck it to death when it's back is turned on them. We won't even talk about how long a body lasts in a hogpen. Ain't pretty, neither. Horses run, but if they can't, they use their hooves. Squirrels jump over black snakes in a tree until it tries to strike and falls out of the tree. Then, they pummel them with green spiny pinecones to finish the job. When a beagle comes up on a raccoon, it's razor sharp nails and teeth are extremely effective.
In search of the easiest victory, mankind has resorted to different weapons over the times since cavemen. It's been a far cry from spears to lasers. When we "evolved" from hunting for food for our families to wars and killing each other for whatever reason, we lost our ability to think rationally. When guns were outlawed in England, the new thing was knives. Then, they started confiscating knives. There are literally thousands of weapons available on our planet, and David knew it, too. So did Cain. Now, there's drugs. At some point, instead of knee-jerking, it's high time to address why. We all know morality cannot be legislated. Egocentrics perpetrate wars and seek ultimate power over peaceful people to concentrate power centers. Then, they've got to attack other power centers to prove their strength. This will continue until people realize they're being played. On THAT day, things will turn back around. The dregs of society become powerless in the face of intelligence. Wars will cease, and nations will start spending their own monies on their people to improve the human condition.
Animals still hunt. Animals protect themselves. Humans are the only existing species that are out of control. It seems to follow the age of the ones who govern things. Yet, the people watch these ancient politicians spew "gun control" while being surrounded by a plethora of armed security. Drug dealers are let out of jail to become abortion anarchists. The rule of law is falling to support their power grabs. Meanwhile, people try and do their best to help themselves and the unfortunate. There comes a time in events that require intervention, and it seems nigh. Be careful, my friends. Don't give them the weapons they'll utilize to destroy you. Whether you use the Guinea hen approach or the roadrunner approach, be ready to make your stand. The time is here, and requires your participation. You'll be involved, either way. They'll not have anything else. Pray like it depends on God, and act like it depends on you.
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