Off The Beaten Couch
Off The Beaten Couch
"I'm not worthy and that means I dont deserve ____________" Is this a story you tell yourself? Do you have difficulty accepting good and positive things in your life due to undervaulation of self? Do... View More
Off The Beaten Couch
There are nearly 200 studies on psychosis and psychotic disorders and prevelance of treatment. Only 19 of those studies include data from other countries. Even fewer include spiritual data or a deeper... View More
Off The Beaten Couch
Allowing your children to express emotions and teaching them effective ways to identify emotions builds resilience. Trauma happens when a stressor takes us outside our window of tolerance and the emot... View More
Off The Beaten Couch
Resiliency is a muscle. It takes diligence and hard work to maintain the tone in that muscle. Resiliency helps us overcome stressors and traumas that might have been utterly debilitating with a lesser... View More
Bonnie Walling
Haha (1)
Mark Hyland
Lol what a find
October 11, 2020
Bonnie Walling
Bonnie Walling replied - 1 reply
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