00:19:49 GMT-0500 (CDT)


 Public Group - Religion - 10 Members
Group Info
Richard Tucker
Truthrangers is a group committed to the finished work of Christ. Discussions are about our current enlightenment and encouraging one another.
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Richard Tucker
The Point Of No Return As the father restores the body of Christ he calls his true family from the bondage of a man-made religion. The exodus Cole he’s heard by many. Some respond quickly, others lin... View More
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Richard Tucker
All that is not Christ is being exposed and abased. The Antichrist political, religious, and economic organizations are ramping up there assault on the body of Christ because their leader knows the t... View More
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Richard Tucker
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Richard Tucker
Welcome to the Truthrangers group. I am moving everything here from Facebook for obvious reasons. Please feel free to invite other like-minded people.
updated their profile photo.
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