Group Info
Jay Porterfield
Jay Porterfield
The Light/The All/Devine Mind, falsely represented by earth's sun, thought. This thought is known as Sophia. Sophia is a reflection of the Light, falsely represented by the moon, yet she is not the Li... View More
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Jay Porterfield
That which is above is like unto that which is below and that which is below is like unto that which is above, all for the glory of the One thing. As all things came from the One through mediation of... View More
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Jay Porterfield
Like most Christians, I grew up in church. In fact , I was made to go until my 16th birthday. I thought I knew who God and Jesus were. Just like 99.9% of all Christians and Jews, I was totally wrong!... View More
Jay Porterfield
JESUS CHRIST + The Greatest Story Never Told
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Jay Porterfield
The God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament are not the same. The God of the Old Testament is Satan! The God of the New Testament is Eternal Light/Eternal Mind. The ONE, The All, T... View More
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Jay Porterfield
This group is intended to spread knowledge to you the Initiate of the Esoteric teaching in Christianity as well as most of the higher ranked religions to include Wicca. It is not the Heaven of these r... View More
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