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Good Boy … Here’s Your 🦴
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Deb marshall wayman shared a photo
Watch the video very closely.
Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) on X
Learn How The Democrats Are Officially Implementing Communism In America
How shall Christ prevail if all people see division in us... Christ died for all. but not all received. . . but we are still commanded to love one another.. none of us agree on every opinion of every believer... except Christ was crucified for sinners.. and we all of the same body... ❤️ peace in J... View More
The truth is that the Holy Ghost teaches us as He sanctifies our lives daily into the image of Christ... no other teacher has the knowledge.. the Spirit of God knows the things of God.. like the spirit of man knows the things of men.. The Holy Ghost is God and is the gift of God and will reveal all ... View More
He explains this very well; unfortunately the people who need to hear it won't listen to him.
William Bexton shared a photo
I’m sure the one on the left will end up suicided before it’s all done and the #truth actually comes out. As far as the grandma for praying, I hope she sues the hell out of whoever arrested her, plus those who are behind her wrongful imprisonment.
Pig needs to show us how she can reduce herself and friends first
Jess Sosnoski shared a video
Kamala Harris wants to reduce the population to achieve clean air and water.
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