Company, Organization, or Institution » Community Organization
Leslie Weikle shared a photo
BULLSHIT!!! No taxes at all!!! Tariffs and excise tax ONLY!!! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
Step 1, execute the global banking families, Step 2, demolish the mechanism for stealing our labor.
So a billionaire would pay the same tax on a barbecue grill as a person that can barely get by. Sounds perfectly fair to me.
Rogue Nation DavidB
This is the idiot that kicked people out of houses the Amish built for hurricane victims. Let's make her famous.
Right winger Austin shared a photo
Judy Gilford shared a photo
We can put Biden and camel toe Harris f***and the rest of their corrupt administration in their place
If all these Governors are going to go against deportation just send in the military and take care of it be done with it cuz he's f****** people are ignorant and they're assholes and they're only reas... View More
Tom Myracle shared a photo
Tom Myracle shared a photo