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Rogue Nation

Male. Is single.
The Uncuckables Savage Memes
2 members Meme
Welcome to The Uncuckables Savage Memes! Members! take all the memes you want and re-post where you wish. A meme is not born until it is stolen. WARNING: When you joined The Uncuckables Savage Memes, you are likely to get offended. If you get offended by conservative political jokes, Keks, dark humor, and laughing at silly progressives via savage & dark memes, etc.....don't bother staying!!! It's called Uncuckables Savage Memes for a reason! Simple rules: No commercial solicitations or the promotion of a competitor. No insults or slurs are to be directed at your fellow members or the Admins. No threats/harassment/doxxing of members or Admins will be tolerated. All memes are to be in English Comical videos insulting the left are fine. We say what we meme and we meme what we say. Uncuckables Savage Memes holds three principles that no one can bypass: Free speech Privacy/anonymity Autonomy Enjoy shitposting and free speech! God bless Pepe.
Rogue Nation
Bushcraft for Beginners
4 members Homesteading
Bushcraft is the use and practice of skills, thereby acquiring and developing knowledge and understanding, in order to survive and thrive in a natural environment. (Keep your posts ON-TOPIC. Anything unrelated will be deleted and the poster blocked from the group!) Bushcraft skills provide for the basic physiological necessities for human life: food (through foraging, tracking, hunting, trapping, fishing), water sourcing and purification, shelter-building, and firecraft. These may be supplemented with expertise in twine-making, knots and lashings, wood-carving, campcraft, medicine/health, natural navigation, and tool and weapon making. Bushcraft includes the knowledge to handle certain tools such as bushcraft knives and axes. A bushcrafter can use these tools to create many different types of constructions, from dugout canoes to a-frame shelters. There are various types of shelters to construct or use in the wilderness. The first is a purpose-built shelter like a tent. Another example is an improvised shelter, like using a large tarp or blanket as a tent. Indigenous shelters include a snow cave or bark lean-to. Lastly, natural shelters include caves, underneath a tree, or within thickets
Rogue Nation
Jim Armstrong
Lianla ughery
Ronald Harris jr
Hostile Territory
4 members Community
Western and Action Movies from the days when movie directors actually had talent. No politics allowed.
Rogue Nation
Corey Young
Thomas Boley
Natural Remedies Big Pharma Doesn't Want You to Know About
85 members Health and Fitness
Natural remedies are the predecessors of modern medicine. They still work much better than drugs Big Pharma doesn't have your best interests in mind. NO POLITICS ALLOWED in this group. I have long been a devotee of natural medicine, and will do my best to keep you informed of the best natural remedies available and where to buy them. Anyone posting anything off-topic to this agenda will be removed and blocked from the group.
Rogue Nation
Adam Ralph
Allen Book
Guns & Ammo Traders
34 members Preparedness
Buy, sell, trade. Show us your brag pictures. Make us jealous of your toys. All sales should be person-to-person. Please don't post your contact information publicly. Doing so can get you DOXXED by trolls. This group is about buying and selling guns & ammo. Post anything else and you will be removed from the group. This group is a mirror group of our main group on GAB. We also have one on Telegram, but at the moment it doesn't have many members. Guns & Ammo Traders on GAB has over 2.5K members. https://gab.com/groups/1318
Rogue Nation
Aaron Donovan
Angry Patriot