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Johnnie Freitas
Spread it far and wide
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A variety of Rock old and new! Wheeling Rock Depot
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Rho Bar
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Rho Bar
Stand up We are the Majority We as citizens have the duty to enforce our laws and constitutional rights. Start in your community arrest teachers,school bard officials,mayors etc. Place in jail. Elect... View More
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Rho Bar
GiGi Riviera
Dont ask me for a friend request. Illuminati is a demonic entity. You advocating for this makes you demonic. You are BLOCKED
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Michael Richard
Join the great Illuminati today and become rich and famous. Are you looking for wisdom and knowledge? Are you a business man / woman, pastor, politician, musician, Doctors, footballer, student? Do you... View More
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Michael Blankenship
I'm sure he died from execution rather than natural causes. The Rothschild banking family has been behind most evil on the planet certainly since 1871 and the funding of our Civil War.
January 24, 2021
Michael Richard
Angry (1)
Truck Stop
your first recent photo, there is no proof that a god exists, is the very antithesis to freemasonry. SO ANYONE reading this, this isn't a legitimate lodge, nor does it represent Freemasonry
January 27, 2021
Truck Stop
the regalia you see, is not them, the images are not them, they steal photos from actual lodges, and claim it is this organization. This is a fake person
January 27, 2021
Truck Stop
YOu don't have to believe in The God of Heaven, but you must believe there is a God, if you choose to follow a god, and not the God of Heaven, well, that's your choice, besides, again, this is a fake profile
January 27, 2021
Michael Richard
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Laura Cook
Hide and watch what God does for Americans who love Him! God bless America!
January 22, 2021
Truck Stop
Truck Stop replied - 1 reply
Stephen Leal
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Michael Richard
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