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Truck Stop

Male. Born on March 24, 1976. Is single.
About Me
I am Me doing Me in this time of civil war. I mostly peacefully protest at the gun range.
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Truck Stop
Truck Stop
Truck Stop
4 out of 10 is the equivalent of 2/5ths of the population knowing someone dead from COVID. Look at how the media fucking lies: Lets see how much ONE fifth is by dividing current population by five: ... View More
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Darrell Horton
The numbers liberal media gives you for people (including your relatives and loved ones) who have died from covid is a lie. They may or may not have had covid (most positives are false positives) but they died from something else. Stop watching liberal media. Stop swallowing their lies. Look ip the... View More
March 11, 2021
Michael Blankenship
A "statistic" like this implies (to the inumerate) that 40% of people died from a virus (which doesn't exist). There's an obscure area of mathematics involving the "six degrees of separation" game which is usually centered around the actor Kevin Bacon. By combining the common flu numbers with the 6D... View More
March 11, 2021
Truck Stop
Truck Stop replied - 1 reply
Truck Stop
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Truck Stop
not my america
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Truck Stop
Gab deleted it, youtube banned it, facebook banned it, lets see what happens on wimkin not financial advice, i eat crayonz, and i think Trump had things for us to hear
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