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Heather Brown

Female. Lives in Las Vegas, United States. Born on July 13, 1976.
About Me
Mom, Grandma, Daughter, Sister, Friend.Proud American, Hard Worker, Trump Supporter, . Love Red, Whi... View More
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Heather Brown
Lots of wannabe scammers on this site already. Geez. So if that's you with the "in the military stationed in another country" please just don't ???
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Nadine Eli
But you had a relitive die over there leaving you millions! Just need to send a small amount of cash for fees, also dont forget their undying love, please marry, send pics of bobs and vagene
November 18, 2020
Heather Brown
Heather Brown replied - 2 replies
Mack McC
November 18, 2020
Heather Brown
Heather Brown
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