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White Lightning Woman
Do not post stuff to my wall. You have your own page.

Paul Riley
This is my #Minicannon, There are many like it
but this one is mine.

Mini Cannon on #TherapyRange
The truth is out!
FBI Data Show the Media Overstate the Number of Mass Shootings By a Factor of 10 - The Truth About Guns
By Lee Williams According to a recently released report from the FBI, there were far fewer mass shootings over the past four years than were reported by the Gun Violence Archive, a private nonprofit t
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No more Democrats or Republican.s....TEA PARTY PATRIOTS!! AMERICA FIRST Join now!
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Join the #1 group in Wimkin .....The Patriot Party! Where Patriots meet! This group is dedicated to the second American Revolution. We will overcome the satanic/ communist/big tech agenda and imprison the pedophile government elite. We MUST confiscate their illegally gained wealth and hold all accountable for the financial crimes that have occurred for the last 100 years. We will break the Illuminati banks, the controlling families, the plunderers and racists. We stand committed to peace, prosperity and American brotherhood. AND ABOVE ALL WE STAND FOR GOD AND DECLARE JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR AND DONALD TRUMP OUR DULY ELECTED LEADER!!
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