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John Bernard
John Bernard
My Response to Dementia Joe Spanning a 26 year Marine Corps career, I was administered between 200 and 300 mandated shots including some experimental shots and prophylactic oral medications during t... View More
John Bernard
If you want to know how and when the A-Stan Operation fell apart, please listen to this interview I did recently https://magainstitute.com/ep66-retired-marine-and-gold-star-father-reflects-on-the-de... View More
John Bernard
My thoughts as a retired Marine Corps First Sergeant and Gold Star Father of LCpl Joshua Matthew Bernard, KIA, Dahaneh Afghanistan 14 August 2009... https://letthemfight.blogspot.com/2021/08/the-art-... View More
Join the Patriot Party....no more Democrats or Republican!!! Patriots of all colors and classes unite! Donald Trump is our President!!!
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John Bernard
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Steve Lepro
Nice group...
February 3, 2021
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