Wednesday’s word: December 18, 2024... It seems each year so many Christians attack Christmas and the argument of paganism goes on. However many of us celebrate this day as the birth of Christ and lo... View MoreWednesday’s word: December 18, 2024... It seems each year so many Christians attack Christmas and the argument of paganism goes on. However many of us celebrate this day as the birth of Christ and love this time of the year. We are not into Santa Claus but we celebrate Jesus birth.
First, none of us know exactly when he was born. Some say May, June, August, September and some December. Many so called experts have their opinions of when he was actually born. However your opinion of when he was born we are all blessed because of him being born.
Secondly, what is wrong with celebrating Jesus birth. Without his birth we would have no savior. Instead of fighting over it let’s celebrate CHRISTmas.
Thirdly, the day is called CHRISTmas. You are celebrating CHRIST- MAS.. Christ-
When they say Christmas they are saying CHRIST.
Last, maybe we should just make it the 25th of each month to get it right. Even many of the media and TV programs mention Jesus this time of the year. Wouldn’t it be great to have them talk about him all year long.
Could we stop all the negative talk about paganism and just celebrate CHRIST this time of the year. Christians should be happy about a savior being born.
Tim Hall