Lara Logan Sheds Light on Ukraine and Its History with Globalists (VIDEO)
Lara Logan was on with Cowboy logic and dropped some bombs on Ukraine in her assessment of all that was going on there. The Conservative Treehouse brought this video to our attention. Lara Logan is n
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Will Jones
Christ-killing unrepentant child-raping sodomite demon-possessed Idumean Gog's Author of Fascism Vatican Anti-Christ - slaving Latin America for five-hundred years, who slaved Korea and Vietnam "for a time" - we "whigs" founded America in covenant with God/JC, to escape, has been attacking Christian... View More
that's great photo shop work to make the chorus line.
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Semper Fidelis. Happy 247th Birthday USMC! Thank you to all who serve and who have served our Country and to their families that support all armed forces!
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