From first hand knowledge. I'm not worried about our Cosmic neighbors (ETs). They are absolutely no threat to mankind whatsoever. What concerns me is our constant hostility towards them over the la... View More
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I enjoy statistics. I've looked them up. Jared Is correct in what he is stating. It's hard to argue with the numbers. Unless you work in the CBO then of course you can make everything work in your ... View More
We Don’t Have a Gun Problem. We Have a Race Problem. - American Renaissance
Here are the data to prove it.
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I sincerely doubt Trump was "owned" by the "Three Stooges".
Trumps policies were in direct opposition of these globalist scumbags.
If your insinuating that Trump is also a globalist, then I suggest you disclose your proof positive.
Well they act differently behind closed doors having drinks and laughing about what they've said to the Press
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I don't suspect this app but any one of the hundreds of Trolls. My phone is screwed up only after a couple days on here have to factory reset to get everything back the way it should be.
To those of you having no problems: thats because you were, so far, lucky enough not to run into one of them.