I keep hearing report after report about Mike Pence's involvement with the Deep State Cabal. I don't know what to think about that. As a Hoosier I know that it wasn't until he became Governor that t... View More
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I'm A Pentecostal Medley | Live | Christian Life Center
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I'm A Pentecostal Medley - Live - Christian Life Center
I'm A Pentecostal by Nathaniel K. Haney
Fire by Linda Johnson
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This is to blame for our troubles and that is to blame for our National woes. But in reality the LACK OF THIS is the trouble. Read what happened to Wales when they turned back
https://youtu.be/8aKF... View More
Pastor Tommy Bates Preaching the Gospel
Another one of my favorite preachers!
Pastor Tommy Can flat out preach it straight, and I love his ministry!
I praise God for some people, in the days we live in, that will still preach it straight,
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So you're on this app now. If you're Like me I've been systematically removing all of my Facebook and related accounts. Seems Mr Zuckerberg as a way to sweeten the deal when he gave or sold Facebook ... View More
Mark Zuckerberg Sold Facebook Stock Nearly Every Weekday Last Year For Almost 11 Months
As shares of Facebook–now called Meta Platforms–soared to record highs in 2021, Zuckerberg sold billions of dollars worth of shares–but not quite as much as he sold in 2018.
So if you think for half of a nano second that's a pentagon or anyone in DC has a clue of what's really going on and they are always honest. You need to go spend some time in the district. With an arm... View More
I find it hard to believe that Janet Yellen just realized the effects of sanctions on Russia and the negative impact on the rest of the world. She was instrumental in their creation
US Treasury bos... View More
US Treasury boss identifies side effects of sanctions against Russia
The US sanctions have a “huge” impact on the soaring food and energy prices at home, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said