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GCowdery shared
The current state of Canada
Why is Canada Now Making it Legal to Euthanize the Poor?
Why is Canada Euthanizing the Poor? The Great James Corbett with The Great James Evan Pilato.
Why is Canada Euthanizing the Poor?
The Great James Corbett with The Great James Evan Pilato.
Full Video: https://www.corbettreport.com/nwnw20220505/
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If you want anyone to accept your request your info shouldn't be private and you should have your own postings on here. So good bye
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Interesting new findings about The Shroud of Turin - what do you think about all of this?
GCowdery shared a video
New peer reviewed dating shows the Shroud of Turin to be closer to 2000 years old as opposed to other dating techniques in the past
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