I'm a practicing Christian (so, please don't approach/solicit me with anything inappropriate) - I'm ... View MoreI'm a practicing Christian (so, please don't approach/solicit me with anything inappropriate) - I'm not interested and I WILL BLOCK YOU!
I am passionate about freedom, (especially the freedom of expression) and preserving our rights and freedoms.
I love sharing and exchanging ideas and just enjoy having a good laugh - I believe you should always have laughter in your life! 馃榾
P.S. - I'm married and only looking for friends. If you persist in being inappropriate, don't be surprised if I BLOCK YOU!!!
**NOTE** Please don't solicit me to do any business. I don't use this social media platform for any such purposes.
I only use this platform for getting to know people socially, share views on politics, faith, etc. - thank you.
About Me
I'm a practicing Christian (so, please don't approach/solicit me with anything inappropriate) - I'm ... View More
Spirituality or Religion
Writing (Authors)
Politics and Elections
Company, Organization, or Institution 禄 Consulting/Business Services
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The Palestinian Refugee Problem Explained: The Nakba and the Arab Narrative
The Palestinian Refugee Problem Explained (Nakba and the Arab narrative)
#nakba #vox
Vox full video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGVgjS98OsU&t=4s&ab_channel=Vox
0:00 - Intro
1:00 - Deir Yassin intro
8:20 - The Partition plan
10: 55 - Plan D
14:10 - Deir Yassin
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Give to those suffering in Israel during these dark times.
This organization gives to both Jews, Arabs, and other cultures within Israel, all of whom are suffering from the hands of Hamas on one side... View More
The truth about cowardly and evil Hamas - this is one of the men who had to collect the bodies - look what he found!!!
讟专讬讙专 讗讝讛专转 爪驻讬讬讛!
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讟专讬讙专 讗讝讛专转 爪驻讬讬讛!
讬讜住讬 诇谞讚讗讜, 拽诪讘状抓 讝拽状讗 诇讻讬砖, 讘注讚讜转 诪讟诇讟诇转 注讘讜专 诪讗拽讜12, 诪住驻专 讗讜讚讜转 讛讝讜讜注讜转 讛讘诇转讬 讗谞讜砖讬讜转 砖讛讜讗 讜讗谞砖讬讜 爪专讬讻讬诐 诇讛转诪讜讚讚 讗讬转诐 讘砖
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A family tortured before they were executed by Hamas
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