on May 3, 2022
A warning from your Canadian sister in this forum.
We are currently fighting a bill that would give our government the right to temporarily seize our cellphones, tablets, laptops to review our data and all communications when returning from travel.
It is looking more and more like the face of Communist China or Russia here (I'm not exaggerating).
We are fighting with continued protests. Some protestors have been brutalized (we are now changing from trucker protests into biker protests).
One notable pastor, Artur Pawlowski has been finally released, but they're trying to tell him what he can or cannot preach.
He is continuing to preach whatever God moves him to regardless. They haven't stopped harassing, and threatening to jail other ministers.
We know that God is moving in the midst of this.
In the initial protest (trucker protests), in our capital of Ottawa, there was a huge move of God where many Christian ministers and common people were moved to preach.
Many truckers, everyday citizens have been saved. Spiritual Renewal in Canada is happening, but at a price.
Children have witnessed there parents brutalized during peaceful protests, yet, the children were moved to love the RCMP/local police.
Many in law enforcement couldn't stand what they've been asked to do, and have resigned or been fired for their refusal to continue on.
They, (MSM and government) won't let what's really happening leak out anymore. They are trying to revoke the license of independent news to show everyone what is really happening.
It is ok in some ways in Canada, and not in other ways. Unvaccinated Canadians are not allowed to travel. They are building "holding" centers in our Maritime area of our country (those are our island provinces on the far east of our country).
It is not clear what for, but all are uneasy of what they are for.
We could use the prayers of our brothers and sisters in your country.
I want you to know that I believe Canada is being used as a "template". I am warning you, and all people in the U.S., and all other countries. What they are trying here, is what they have planned for you.
Warn others and pray!
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May 7, 2022
Susan Rossero
May the peace of God surround you always.πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
May 7, 2022
GCowdery replied - 1 reply
Leslie Jackson
Thank you so much for caring about America even during your own struggles. I will be praying for all your citizens to keep the faith and keep fighting! May God bless you allβ™₯️
May 7, 2022
GCowdery replied - 1 reply