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Robert Lee Elder
(R) Kentucky Mitch McConnell better not be the next majority leader of the Senate!
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Ultra MAGA
Vote ALL democrats and RHINOS OUT! That would include Pelosi's bitch Mitch. His time is coming..
November 1, 2022 Edited
Yes he needs to go
November 1, 2022
Robert Lee Elder
Biden administration is so far out of touch with the American people please vote on November 8th to put Republicans in Congress.
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Robert Lee Elder
There is stuff out there to keep from getting pregnant! Use it STOP using abortion as birth control.
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Stephanie Brady
could not agree more!! there is a time it is appropriate but making a "mistake" isn't one of them
May 8, 2022
Jerry Jones
Keep the legs closed tight!
May 8, 2022
Robert Lee Elder
Make sure you vote this year for Republicans
Robert Lee Elder
They say it is the Carter administration back in office so is it Joe Carter or Jimmy Biden?
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Robert Lee Elder
Joe Biden is freaking stupid!
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