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Louis F Van Marm shared a photo
I posted this on Facebook and they told me it was partly false information.
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Judy Gilford shared a photo
Back then a teacher would tell your parents if you were acting up in school
Today?not so much. In fact, many proudly boast they'll lie to your parents.
Very true...people valued life!
Kerry Smith shared a photo
In the 1950s, women had limited rights and opportunities, including:
Voting: While women had the right to vote, many states had laws that prevented them from doing so. For example, some states required women to own property or pass a literacy test.
Holding office: Women were discouraged from holdi... View More
Women in the 1950s were not allowed to make contracts or wills, could not buy or sell property, had little control of their earnings in most situations, and were discouraged from acting politically, such as hold office, even though they could vote. Women's rights were minimal.