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Francine Marie Korch

Female. Lives in United States. Is married.
About Me
I’d rather die on my feet than live my life on my knees. I love God, my Country and my family. I’m o... View More
Horrors of the Jab!
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We need Patriots!! Please join and help bring back sanity, loyalty and duty to our government. Post your frustrations and ideas and link up with fellow Patriots! WE NEED YOU!!! The Patriot Party!!
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Francine Marie Korch
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Francine Marie Korch
An education on the REAL history of Polio: 1. A pesticide common in the 1800's was called Paris Green. A green liquid because it was a combination of copper and arsenic or lead and arsenic. Some of t... View More
Francine Marie Korch
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Francine Marie Korch
What pieces of shit both of them are!! While he may have been a very good President while in office, he sure showed his evil side while claiming to be a good Christian. At least with Biden, you knew w... View More
Francine Marie Korch
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