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Dave Dabney
From a friend's page: Hillary Clinton warned Trump’s event last night would be a reenactment of a 1939 Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden. (Such strong language that Mayor Adam’s had to defend Tru... View More
Dave Dabney
North Carolina governor confirms that state and federal governments are buying out people in disaster affected areas… You know, because there’s no point in “building back…“ In his own words… He even a... View More
Dave Dabney
Here is some history on Kamala Harris.. It would be a good idea to spread this info as much as possible so share as much as possible folks.. this is the reason that the Obamas just endorsed Harris for... View More
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Dave Dabney
Thank you to whom ever wrote this and put my thoughts in words💕Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don't really like a lot of things about Trump. But this election is n... View More
Dave Dabney
Dave Dabney
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