Jack Ecuador Abercrombie
on June 17, 2024
MON 17JUN24- (15:30) 🚧 #Ecuador Road closures to the East and to the South- due to catastrophic flooding - (cloud seeding gone wild and horribly wrong) Good afternoon. Sharing information that socializes the ECU 911 Quito- [skilled = open)
*DATE* 17/06/2018 *TIME* 10:04
Quito - Machachi *SKILL*
Quito - Guayllabama *SKILLED*
Alóag - Sto. Domingo *CLOSED* From toll road to Km 72+400 due to gap in KM bridge. 91
Pintag - Pifo *SKILL*
Pifo - Papallacta: *PARTLY SKILLED* (Slide Km 19. )
Papallacta - Y de Baeza: *CLOSED* (Landslide in the Cuyuja sector)
Quito - Calacali : *SKILL*
Quito - Cayambe : *SKILLED*
Calacali - Nanegalito : *SKILL*
Nanegalito - San Miguel de Banks : *SKILLED*
Saint Miguel de los Banks - Pedro Vicente Maldonado: *SKILLED*
Puerto Quito - Rio Blanco : *SKILLED*
San Miguel de Bench - Mercedes : *SKILLED*
Via Coke - Tena - Y of Narupa: *SKILLED*
El Chaco - Lago Agrio *PARTLY SKILLED * (Landslide in the Salado sector)
San Luis - Coca Codo Sinclair Hydroelectric Tunnels *SKILLED*
Y of Narupa - Loreto *SKILLED*
Y de Baeza - The Banger *SKILLED*
Via Ahuano - Chontapunta *SKILLED*
Via Chontapunta - Coke *SKILLED*
Tena - Baeza *PARTLY SKILLED* (Cosanga Sector Slide)
Y de Baeza - Papallacta *CLOSED* For safety, multiple slides are recorded
Again - Loreto *HABILITY*
Y de Narupa - Archidona - Again *TABILITADA*
Tena - Puyo *CLOSED* at Km 10 on the bridge of Puerto Napo due to damage to the structure, alternate route through the old bridge of Puerto napo (trucks and cars).
Via Puerto Napo - Ahuano: *SKILLED*
Jewel of the Sachs - Sour Lake :*SKILLED*
Coca - Jewel of the Sachas: * SKILLED * Provisional variant at km 15, passing the Guayusa sector, due to the loss of the track due to erosion in the Coca River.
Coke - Loreto *SKILL*
Coke - Dayuma : *SKILL*
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