Jack Ecuador Abercrombie
on February 12, 2024
🎭-Reminder that FAT Tuesday 13 FEB 2024 is Tomorrow at El Patio- 🤹🏻‍♂️(Location Cumbaya, Quito)- "Howdy Neighbors just a Reminder, as usual, the Expat Meet & Greet Team will be taking Lunch Break Each Tuesday at @13:30,@‘El Patio’ in Cumbaya -Sector Primavera1, en la Rodondel de Florencia y Miguel Angel, join us if you are freed up to do so? - ...each and every Tuesday -
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/rCgaJ3PxViS2P3YMA
GPS Coords: -0.21182693824964277, -78.42625567675495
We look fwd. to see yah there, -
"Mardi Gras is the final day of Carnival or Shrovetide before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras is French for "Fat Tuesday", reflecting the practice of the last night of consuming rich, fatty foods in preparation for the fasting season of Lent."
"Fat Tuesday, also known as Mardi Gras, is a lively celebration with roots in Christian traditions. While it’s most famously associated with colorful beads and parades in New Orleans, the holiday has a fascinating history and unique customs. Let’s dive in!" 🏊🏼‍♂️
Fat Tuesday Guide: Table of Contents, Introduction, Mardi Gras History, Fat Tuesday Around the World, How to Celebrate Fat Tuesday- Fat Tuesday FAQs- Fat Tuesday is better known by its French translation, Mardi Gras. It takes place on the final day before Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent.
Also known as Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, Fat Tuesday has a rich history in both the U.S. and across the world and represents a day when Catholics and other Christians come together in celebration before the more subdued observance of Lent." - https://hallow.com/blog/fat-tuesday/
Some attendees bring fresh fruits to exchange and share from their gardens with other attendees ie: babacos, avocados, lemons etc, we also have set up a book exchange with some action / adventure / romance / comedy / self help books to hand out for anyone that is still into old school paper / ink w, the feel and smell of real actual physical books-
We had 38 Attend last Tuesday, and often go well into 16:00 - 16:30 with Coffee and desert, and as well as adult beverages, such as Sabai Craft beers with 10% al-ka-hol content ...and From 16:30 to 18:30 several of us go 4 blocks up the hill to Kambucha Bar
and for an immune boost of High Dose Vit C iv drips and Comfy Lodging at 'Casa del Sol' - https://www.facebook.com/casadelsol.ec
and several remain behind as well as latecomers at the ole 'el party on the patio' to continue on for cocktail hour, for more better directions here is my Cell & WhatsApp, +593-98-828-8953,
Address for the el patio fb pg 'About' tab has a google map and more detailed address info- 'Gastronómica, arte y cultura'. Encuéntranos en La Primavera 1 , La Primavera 170904 Quito, Ecuador- Multicultural plaza gastronómica en La Primavera, Cumbayá, About- more info- https://www.facebook.com/elpatiolaprimavera/about/
Uber, indriver, DiDi run aprox $6.00 to $7.00 from the Downtown Quito Parque Carolina area in off peak rush hour traffic times - a big land mark coming from Quito is the Cumbaya Scala Shopping Mall, Go to the next traffic light past the Mall and take a right go 2 blocks up the hill and we are on the left in the roundabout just east and across the street from the PV1 UPC Police Station- https://www.facebook.com/ScalaShopping
Someone once said that Ecuador is a country that is:
•EASY to love-
•HARD to understand-
•Impossible to forget-
Thank You,
Jack Ecua Abercrombie,
#JourneymanJackinEcuador - #StrategicRelocationEcuador -
JourneymanJack.com@gmail.com -
fb pg.: "I'd rather prep 15 years too early than 15 minutes too late."-
www.facebook.com/StrategicRelocationEcuadorExpatsSurvivalSchool -
Cumbaya, Quito- ECUADOR S.A.‍
((free of charge if you would like all 30+ of my #JourneymanJack in Ecuador = 'JJinEcu' Important Tips Notes and FAQs Newsletter #1- thru #30+ list [and growing] of our Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Relocation to Ecuador tips, plz feel free to send me PM or an e-mail to JourneymanJack.com@gmail.com))
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