(Broadcasting daily out of Quito Tumbaco, Ecuador near UIO, come see US)
PSA: 09 MAR 2022- PPN, Radio Ranch show host Roger Sayles -
'Sovereign to Serf' is 'Coming to yah Live from Tumbaco - Quito, Ecuador S.A.- 'PPN' = Peoples Patriot Network,
hear the 🤠 Radio Ranch Show LIVE- listen daily M - F 11am to 1pm EST-
Always a great day to call in and voice / vent your concerns on freedom related issues, current events, financial,
health & wealth discussions- ☎️
(1)...Plz feel free to call in and listen via - call in on 'Jitsi' (a zoom like platform) at the network 🛰 user
name: "PPNSTUDIO" - to join in on the group discussion simply copy and paste this URL into your Browser:
(2) Or to just listen in only to the show via smartphone & tablet app: 'TuneIn' - https://tunein.com/
Select the free version of the TuneIn app and search for: 'EuroFolkRadio'- Here is the direct link to hear the
PPN Radio Ranch Show- 📡- https://tunein.com/radio/EuroFolkRadio-s218026/
Another listening method- click listen live: http://eurofolkradio.com/radio/
Roger Sayles the host and callers such as @CodyFury @Daryl @Brent - and each Friday Co-host @Brent Allen Winters-
www.CommonLawyer.com -"Show me your lawgiver, and I will show you your god."-
Up to 30 of us are on the Jitsi call in switchboard at times, the show is for 2 hrs each morning, we hope to hear you there.
Roger Sayles - Radio Ranch web site: People's Patriot Network"
see web site link: https://peoplespatriotnetwork.com/
Show's e-mail address: <RadioRanch@mail.com>
“Government by the Treachery and Deception of words” - Radio Ranch M-F 11am to 13:00 EST, Listen live here:
Share this link for others to join PPN Sov2Serf on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/FK72kly5q2LQTgrt
Show's assistant:
Relocation Ecuador: http://JourneymanJack.com/
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