(Shhhhhhh........ I'm getting ready to pull the PERFECT prank on Georgie-boy. Gonna be EPIC ! Don't say nuthin' yet........)
An old man lived outside of town who was considered to be the wisest around. People with any problems sought his advice, and it always turned out to be effective. There were a bunch of kids that hung ... View MoreAn old man lived outside of town who was considered to be the wisest around. People with any problems sought his advice, and it always turned out to be effective. There were a bunch of kids that hung around together, and they watched from close and afar how this guy helped everybody. They got together one day and decided they'd pull something on him to make him wrong for once so the rest would start thinking THEY were the smartest. They broke up, promising to think about everything and meet again the next day with ideas on how to pull it off. The next day, there were many plans, but no guaranteed outcome. One of the older boys swore he had it. He'd go out and catch a bird. He'd take it to the old guy and ask him what was in his hands. If he responded incorrectly, he'd open his hands and let it fly away, saying "no, it was a bird". If he guessed it was a bird, he'd simply say "correct", then ask him if the bird was dead or alive. If the old guy said it was dead, he'd open his hands and let it fly off. If he said it was alive, he'd crush it and drop it on the ground, saying "you were wrong". All the kids loved the idea, it was foolproof.
They captured a sparrow in short order. The older boy put it in his hands and sought out the older man, with the cadre of brats behind him. They'd get him for sure with this one. They found him in his rocker on his porch, sipping his applejack and talking to a squirrel. The older boy walked up, and said "Hey old man. You're so smart, what have I got in my hands?" The old man eyed the group closely, and focused on the boy's hands. He said "Son, that's a bird". Now, for the fete d'accompli. "Old man, is this bird dead or alive?" The old man thought and thought, then said in a gentle voice "That's entirely in your hands, son." Knowing they'd been beat, they released the bird and started back to town. They vowed there'd be a next time. After all, they knew more than that old fool that talked to squirrels and listened to the animals. What could an animal possibly teach anybody? Besides, everything that was old is made new and better now, ain't it?
Some will get it, some won't. Never give up trying to communicate on different levels. You never know who you might reach.
I'd just sat down and started sippin' when I saw him in the distance. He was hobbling again, but I never asked. After all, I'd been hobbling the past ten days after twisting my back severely. He never... View MoreI'd just sat down and started sippin' when I saw him in the distance. He was hobbling again, but I never asked. After all, I'd been hobbling the past ten days after twisting my back severely. He never asked me. I'd figured he knew the same things I did. When we age, things don't support stupidity like they used to. There's those of us that accept death as a part of life, and those who spend their final years trying to buy eternal life. I've always thought about quality versus quantity, but the best I've ever heard is "It's not about when you die, it's about how you lived". I asked George how the squirrels handled it all, and he surprised me. He said it was simple. They live every day like tomorrow's coming, just in case it does. No preconceptions, no prognostications. Better prepared than not. If you're wrong, your family benefits. If you're right, you're not a burden. He'd heard about humans who got caught up in the tests, appointments, and pill pushers. He found that unsuitable for their longevity and quality of life.
I explained that when I twisted my back, some run to the emergency room for pain pills and alleviation of something that's natural. I know it's simply God telling me to slow down until my body healed and the pain would relent. I consider it a learning experience, and proof that I can still be stupid. I take NO drugs of any kind. Vitamins, yes. Natural. I've seen far too many younger than I get on that charlatans drug train to make them die sooner, and they have. Seems like one leads to another, then another to stop side effects, then more and more until your gut bacteria is destroyed, which requires more pills, visits, and weight gain due to indigestion. Yes, I know death's coming, but not when. One thing I do know. I don't want to stretch it out enriching those who don't care about anything except making money off my misery. I also know they won't care about my family having to auction off my estate to pay for their exorbitant "final shot". The fruits of my life to pay for the greed of medical corporations. Not my idea of life.
As George hobbled off, and I groaned getting up, we both laughed. Yeah, we'd been stupid, but we're not ignorant. Tomorrow's another day !
I was sittin' around yesterday, mostly thinking. Yeah, never good, but in my defense, it was raining most of the day. I was trying to come up with the perfect analogy to reach at least one person by c... View MoreI was sittin' around yesterday, mostly thinking. Yeah, never good, but in my defense, it was raining most of the day. I was trying to come up with the perfect analogy to reach at least one person by comparing the circus in D.C. to the admission price we're being charged even if we don't attend. Yeah, there's a plethora of animals, not just donkeys and elephants. Hyenas, snakes, rats, wolves in sheep's clothing, ferrets, and mixed species. The ringmaster is mostly unknown, but a lot of us know who it is. The sideshows aren't funny, and the monkeys are just monkeys. The rides aren't fun, and the pickpockets rule their society. The howler monkeys are irritating, to be sure, but after awhile you get deaf enough to ignore them. There's charges for everything, including new ones by the minute. There's even an exit charge if they haven't already gotten all your money. We won't even talk about the clowns and their lack of humor. At least we understand why all the fencing and concertina wire now.
While I was thinking about an analogy with the circus, I got head smacked with the perfect one. Your neighborhood is about to go into a homeowners association ! You'll lose control of your freedoms to them, and "enjoy" the annual fees to capitulate to their mandates/dictates subject to their own "association courts". Fines and penalties abound, and you'll do what you're told or else. Yes, there's people who love being controlled with the possibility of controlling others to achieve power. The "boards" enjoy a community that complies with their personal definition of bliss and desires. That's not where it ends, though. These people are establishing their credentials for entry into the heavenly "condo association" heirarchy upon their retirement. THEN, there's not only dues, but fees, common area fees, upkeep fees, landscaping fees, ad nauseum. Personal freedoms must be surrendered before membership by ironclad contracts. The district judges live there, too. Now, they're joining forces with states to annex the rest of us into their madness without due process.
Megalomania abhors a vacuum. Our Founding Fathers knew this, and established documents to prevent it's happening here. It's time to uphold and defend those documents, or take your flag down because it's not approved. Your choice? Farm or Condo?
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