The Cairo Curmudgeon
on July 13, 2022
An old man lived outside of town who was considered to be the wisest around. People with any problems sought his advice, and it always turned out to be effective. There were a bunch of kids that hung around together, and they watched from close and afar how this guy helped everybody. They got together one day and decided they'd pull something on him to make him wrong for once so the rest would start thinking THEY were the smartest. They broke up, promising to think about everything and meet again the next day with ideas on how to pull it off. The next day, there were many plans, but no guaranteed outcome. One of the older boys swore he had it. He'd go out and catch a bird. He'd take it to the old guy and ask him what was in his hands. If he responded incorrectly, he'd open his hands and let it fly away, saying "no, it was a bird". If he guessed it was a bird, he'd simply say "correct", then ask him if the bird was dead or alive. If the old guy said it was dead, he'd open his hands and let it fly off. If he said it was alive, he'd crush it and drop it on the ground, saying "you were wrong". All the kids loved the idea, it was foolproof.
They captured a sparrow in short order. The older boy put it in his hands and sought out the older man, with the cadre of brats behind him. They'd get him for sure with this one. They found him in his rocker on his porch, sipping his applejack and talking to a squirrel. The older boy walked up, and said "Hey old man. You're so smart, what have I got in my hands?" The old man eyed the group closely, and focused on the boy's hands. He said "Son, that's a bird". Now, for the fete d'accompli. "Old man, is this bird dead or alive?" The old man thought and thought, then said in a gentle voice "That's entirely in your hands, son." Knowing they'd been beat, they released the bird and started back to town. They vowed there'd be a next time. After all, they knew more than that old fool that talked to squirrels and listened to the animals. What could an animal possibly teach anybody? Besides, everything that was old is made new and better now, ain't it?
Some will get it, some won't. Never give up trying to communicate on different levels. You never know who you might reach.
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