Quint Burks
Our experiences, whether because of our own decisions or circumstances that we had nothing to do with, do not have to control or label us. But let them be a learning experience that grows us and prepa... View More
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Quint Burks
Sometimes we limit ourselves because we think we don't have enough to offer. We feel like we can't make an impact because we are rich enough, smart enough, etc. when all that is needed is to sincerely... View More
Quint Burks
When learning to snow ski, they teach you to look between the tress. You will tend to go where your focus is. If you are focusing the tree, inevitably you will end up hitting the tree. The same is tru... View More
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Quint Burks
Quint Burks
The farmer digs up the ground by faith. He goes back and plants the seed by faith. He covers it back up believing it will do exactly what he planted it for. Then even though he can?t see what is happe... View More
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Quint Burks
Most of us have a key ring (sometimes several) laying around, in a drawer, in the console of our vehicle or in a tool box somewhere that has multiple keys on it that we have no idea what they go to. W... View More
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