Quint Burks
on November 30, 2020
Most of us have a key ring (sometimes several) laying around, in a drawer, in the console of our vehicle or in a tool box somewhere that has multiple keys on it that we have no idea what they go to. We may not have any idea where they belong but that does not change the fact that there is a lock somewhere that they open. Every so often we will take one of that rings of keys and try it on every lock that we think they might open. Sometimes we have success and sometimes they go right back into their "hiding" place.
Every now and then we will find that one key that fits, it works, it opens a lock or a door and it is like a huge victory. We found the missing key!
The truth is that the key was never missing. We had the answer the whole time. It was actually "hiding" in plain sight. I am telling you today that you already hold the key to your victory. It is already within you, hiding in plain sight. Don't stop trying, don't stop pressing forward, don't be deterred because the last key didn't work. It is for a different door, a different gate, a different lock.
Why is it always the last key we try that opens the door?
Because once we find the one that works, we quit looking. Don't quit looking until you get to the right key.
Love you all. Have a blessed day. In Jesus name. Amen
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