Syndicated Via National File| ANDREW WHITE| The Biden regime has officially announced that they will be using the powers of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Justice Department (DOJ) t
This is no longer about scientific confusion. This is starting to look like an old-fashioned political purge. It is happening at many levels of society.
This is the home of the Original Three Percenters of Missouri on Wimkin. Born from the ashes of The Three Percenters - Original, the first and largest III% organization, members who weren’t going to cave to political pressure and outright lies by the media surrounding the D.C. Rally on Jan 6, 2021 decided to reform our group. Believing that change on a federal level is almost impossible in this climate, we turned our attention to the individual state governments to fight oppression from the federal apparatus. WHO WE ARE Purpose: To cultivate and secure Liberty Mission statement: To foster within ourselves and our fellow Americans the skills and responsibilities necessary for a free society. Our 4 pillars of focus: 1. Personal and Community Security 2. Political Activism 3. Community Outreach 4. Recruiting Our beliefs: We hold true that ALL mankind is created equal, with certain inalienable rights, among which are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The only natural limit to one’s freedom to exercise these rights is when it reasonably interferes with another human’s right to do the same. We recognize the gift we have been given, to live in an era where liberty is possible. Throughout history, totalitarianism has been the norm, and history teaches us that it always results in human indignities. We reject totalitarianism in all its forms, as it is contrary to the Natural Order, and pledge to resist it at all costs, yet with the minimal response to achieve the desired effect. We also recognize that with the gift of liberty comes the responsibility of self, family, and neighbor. The members of this organization strive to identify solutions to these responsibilities, employ them in our lives, and help others to achieve them. Personal and Community Security The responsibility for the security of you and your family is a burden of liberty. We work, plan, and train together to ensure our safety and security in the event of any crisis.