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The Patriot Party
5001 Members
Politics and Elections
Glenn Kauffman
Well, the country is going to hell. High fuel costs, high inflation, open border, unrest with China,Russia, and N. Korea. a war in Ukraine, and a few more issues the democrats have screwed up. But he... View More
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Dale Kinderman
How bad can it get before people stop voting for these scumbag democRats. Im amazed at how many idiots are in this country and the sad part is many of them are our friends and family. Scary times.
November 9, 2022
We need Patriots!! Please join and help bring back sanity, loyalty and duty to our government. Post your frustrations and ideas and link up with fellow Patriots! WE NEED YOU!!! The Patriot Party!!
Glenn Kauffman
Happy New Year 2022
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Glenn Kauffman
Glenn Kauffman
Glenn Kauffman
Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble with the messages on here.
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Antz Harrison
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December 2, 2021
Glenn Kauffman
Glenn Kauffman replied - 1 reply
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