God is not just a "crutch" for our damaged souls. We are healed through His Son, who himself bore our burdens on a tree.
Heavy Laden (original song)
In the darkness? The weight of the world crashing on your shoulders?
You don't have to struggle alone. Jesus Christ is here to help you.
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Scripture Integrity 5: David & Goliath
A Study in Scriptural Integrity:
Textual Development
This study will follow the development of an event in Scripture, how the Scripture explains itself via development.
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Scripture integrity 4: The Word is Sure
The Word is Sure
A Study in Scriptural Integrity:
God Has Magnified His Word
As important as prayer is in understanding Scripture, it is vital to have an attitude of meekness toward God, that His o
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Scripture Integrity 3: Moved by the Holy Ghost
A Study in Scriptural Integrity:
How did the Bible come about being written?
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Heavy Laden
In the darkness? The weight of the world crashing on your shoulders?
You don't have to struggle alone. Jesus Christ is here to help you.
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Scripture Integrity 2: Upon This Rock
A Study in Scriptural Integrity:
Defining the Few by the Many
In Scripture is a series of fail-safe measures for our understanding. Should one or several fail through wrong translation or error in in
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