Free Christian Ministry
Hey folks. Personal prayer request...I'm in the hospital with a heart attack. I'm in good shape considering, but could use prayers for my family, my wife who has been here daily, and of course me. God... View More
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Doctrines of Inference
Inference: {in·fer
deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements}
One way God's people "hew out" for themselves "broken cisterns," emp
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Jesus' Name
R. Scott Stewart
Some men seek for silver.
Some men seek for gold.
Some folks seek the wealth of this world,
Chase it while they’re growing old.
Chase it while they’re growing old.
I don’t need much
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Biblical Greek: Tools & a Word Study
How can a layman find out what the oldest Bible texts tell us without being a full-time scholar? Start to learn how YOU can know with this video on study materials, things to consider, and how to find
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Those Crucified With Christ
Many believe that Scriptures contradict themselves regarding those crucified with Christ. Others simply believe that it is men trying to tell the tale and have remembered the details wrong. But what d
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