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Donald P Neal

Male. Born on February 15, 1938. Is married.
Donald P  Neal
Donald P  Neal
If we could get the companies doing business with China to quit sending things to our ports, and start routing them through Mexico, we’d have the supply chain caught up in no time! No blockage there.
Donald P  Neal
“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he...” (‭‭Prov. ‭23:7‬ ‭nkjv) Not what is TRUE necessarily, but, many times, what we PERCEIVE to be true may be guiding our thinking. It’s commonly referred to a... View More
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Donald P  Neal
A Wake-Up Call When you alter your laws to devise what you want, And you watch your creation unfold; You will gasp when you see it returning to haunt -... View More
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Donald P  Neal
Everyone should know this.
Donald P  Neal
Not big tech, truth is available here!
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