Wimkin Family - We've done nothing but fight for your voices and free speech to a fault. We've done nothing but work until we fall over for you. We're at the forefront of the Free Speech and Truth mov... View MoreWimkin Family - We've done nothing but fight for your voices and free speech to a fault. We've done nothing but work until we fall over for you. We're at the forefront of the Free Speech and Truth movements. We've taken on big tech and after a year's long fight, won. We've put ourselves in harm's way for our platform to have a safe place to share ideas and opinions. Now is the time to capitalize on Facebook and other of big tech's issues. Please, we ask that you truly take a moment simply to share our logo below and ask your friends or followers on all other platforms to join us here. Please ask them to download us in either app store or join at www.wimkin.com. We truly are only asking for a moment of your time. There has never been a time like now! Thank you! 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲