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Who here is voting for
TRUMP/FREEDOM in November??

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Mary L thompson
Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don't really like everything about Trump.
But this election is not about choosing the most likeable person.
We are voting between two ... View More
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Wheeling Rock Depot
A fine sample of Rock Troll's favorite jams,
And occasionally a sample of Ohio Valley's great music scene!
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Why do people hate the Jews???
Why do people HATE the Jews? and... do good people go to Heaven? Episode 6
Episode 6
Why do people HATE the Jews? Antisemitism is on the rise! But why? Is it just because they are peculiar? Or because they are more evil than the rest of us?
Another question.... Do good
Should women be pastors? Check out our new show. Please help us get to our first ten subscribers!
Should Women be Pastors? Is it calloused to believe in abortion? episode 5
We are the Heavyweights! We weigh in on the importance stuff.
episode 5
Here's our show today
Should Women be Pastors? Is the Bible a misogynous book?
Is it calloused to believe in abortion?
Separation of church and state? Can you leave your values at home? We are the heavyweights!
Separation of Church and State? is the rapture in the Bible? Heavyweights - episode 3
The New York City Mayor gets himself into trouble for saying there is not separation of church and state! We talk about the RAPTURE! and our journey takes an unexpected turn at weigh in!
The government is not supposed to establish or favor a certain denomination but that doesn't mean our government can't hold church services. Jefferson attended church services at the capital. The only religion they recognized was the Christian religion. All others were pagan and false. We have t... View More