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Made In The USA
This page is being created as a quick link for all things "Made In The USA". From farmers, clothing, toys and other. We need to bring pride back to American and we need to support Americans first. We can't allow for communists and big businesses to win by pushing Americans aside and get rich off of cheap labor and selling foreign goods. We can't defeat Amazon over night but we can be another platform to take a cut from their high profits and give it to the American workers. We need to fight back and until someone can come up with a place that sells ALL AMERICAN goods from cancelled culture books, cartoons, movies and other goods, we just have to create our own for now.
Tony Minger
2Woke PrissaayyQ
AL Huntley
Paul Anthony Minger (Poetry)
8 likes Book
This is a page that is dedicated to the poems and songs that I write. The songs, that I will post with slideshows, are produced and sang by Paramount Creative Studios but I do own the rights and they are 100% written by me. Not all the poems will be liked by everyone because I do try to do different things at times with how I write. Everyone has their own taste in what they like and don't like. I try my best to write from the heart because if you feel what you write then you can make everything that you write nothing less than perfect in your own view....
Tony Minger
Cory Bailey