1 Corinthians 13:2 NKJV And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am n... View More1 Corinthians 13:2 NKJV And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
We can have the highest gift with prophecy or we can have the least with speaking in tongues. We can have a faith that can move mountains or heal the cruelest of diseases. We could have all the knowledge of all happenings and understand what most people don't. We could have answered the most unique and rewarding callings but, if we do not have love when using these gifts, we are not utilizing these gifts properly. If we do not have love when fulfilling these callings, are we truly answering them? No. In fact we will accomplish right the opposite because when using these gifts or fulfilling these callings we are to be spreading the word of God in order to expand the Kingdom. If we are not spreading Gods word with these acts or gifts, we can not be spreading love because God IS love!!!
The purpose of God giving these gifts is for us to use them to help spread His love through everything we do!!! Everything!! EV...E...R...THING!!! We are to exhibit Gods love through??? You guessed it, EVERYTHING!!!
We are to spread Gods love, not only through the simple things like going to church or the monthly mens/womens meeting. But through things like trips to Wal-mart on a busy Saturday afternoon or at work on that less than desirable Monday morning.
We must understand that God is everywhere. However, we as Christians must step up and show others this by doing everything through Him!!! In turn, we will do everything through love, with love!!!
The bottom line is, we could have all the gifts, we could have all of the knowledge, even the coolest callings, but if we do not have love the gifts are useless, the knowledge is nothing, the calling will go unanswered. Why? Because if we do not have love, we do not have God. Because God.... IS LOVE!!!
A little cooler today. Stay warm. Stay safe. Stay in the Lord!!
Happy Thursday!!! Much love from mine to yours!!!
Rom 12:2 NKJV 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
We often ask o... View MoreRom 12:2 NKJV 2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
We often ask or do not understand why we can not conform to Gods expectations. Why we can't stop worrying, why we can not feel empathy, or why we keep eyeing the devils games. It's because we do not have a clear mind, so in turn we have a cluttered heart.
You see, if we have not cleaned our minds of thoughts that are less than Godly, there will always be a battle of good and evil in our hearts. These battles cause us not to be able to focus on what is good and acceptable!
How do we focus on God? We MUST stay in constant prayer in order to not be distracted from God. We must clean the negativity and unholyness out of our hearts. We must replace this emptiness with the Word of God. We must keep our minds clear from evil in order to fill our hearts with the want and desire to strive after what is good and acceptable to God!!! We must have a true paradigm shift making God our one and only focal point in life!!! When this is done, the heart will no longer be distracted by the devils games and then will be filled with Gods love, which is what is to be proven as good and acceptable and perfect will of God!!
Simply put; clean your mind and your heart will follow!!!
Praying for your well being and safe keeping on this Tuesday morning!!! Much love from mine to yours!!!
Isaiah 40:30-31 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and no... View MoreIsaiah 40:30-31 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Everyone gets tired of the same ol' day in and day out grind. Battling the same battles alone constantly have a tendency of lulling us into mistakes and stumbling. Or worse yet, constantly battling alone will eventually cause us to fail because of the exhaustion it inflicts.
But the great news is that having the Lord is like having our own personal portable charging station with us at all times. All we have to do is plug in at any time we feel faint!!! We feel weary, just plug in, we feel exhausted, plug into the Lord! The Lord our God says He is with us always, even till the end of time. So there is no leaving Him at home on rough days!! You need Him, He's with you!!! Allow Him to be your power source when you feel weak to avoid stumbling and falling!!!
It's Monday! Thank you Lord for another day, another week!! May we plug into you daily to avoid stumbling, falling, and failing you! May we remember these words from the book of Isaiah this week when we feel weary and faint!!!
Hope you have a wonderfully blessed week ahead of you! Much love from might to yours!!
Love. Love is a powerful but often a misused word. It has been cheapened by the misuse, thus leading to the belief that real love is not out there. That real love doesn't exist.
What if I tell y... View MoreLove. Love is a powerful but often a misused word. It has been cheapened by the misuse, thus leading to the belief that real love is not out there. That real love doesn't exist.
What if I tell you it does exist. What if I tell you that there is a love out there bigger and more powerful than you can imagine? A love that doesn't always make life beautiful, but it is long suffering, it is steadfast, it is more powerful than humanly possible. It is eternal. What if I tell you I can prove it?
Who's love you ask? It's God's love.
You see we often miss this because we are being offered love from people. People that give empty promises. People that are using us, or people that have a self serving agenda. We search and search, but we don't look to the one that has kept His promises to us. The one that stays with us with us through the good and the bad.
Alright your asking, "Where's your proof?". Glad you asked?? My proof comes from the unwavering word of God. The Bible itself. Let me explain.
First and foremost, John 3:16 tells me that He was willing to send His only begotten Son to His physical death for me!!! After Jesus Christ was beaten, maimed, and abused for the punishment of my sins. ALL OF MY SINS!
Second, Isa 53:10 tells me that it pleased God to have Jesus be our sacrifice. It pleased Him for Jesus to suffer for us. Why would God do that? Because He loves ME and YOU that much!!! Because He wants ME, and YOU, in Heaven when our time comes. That's God's desire for YOU and ME!!!
Next, Song of Sol. 4:9 says that God is extremely smitten with YOU and ME!!! He said that with one look WE ravished His heart! He love for US is like a chain that can not be unbroken!
Isa 54:10 tells that because His so strong for us, even if the mountains shift or the hills shake, not just His love, but His FAITHFUL love will not shift from us. His covenant with US will not be shaken.
And finally, Zeph 3:17 that in proving His love, the Lord our God is always in our midst. He is the warrior fighting for us day in and day out that has, does, and will bring us victory. Zeph 3:17 tells us that His love is so strong for us that He will calms the storms with it!!! Oh that's simply amazing!
In conclusion, these are only a very, very few pieces of scripture that prove Gods love for us! How much love does God have for us to send His Son to His painful and agonizing death? How much love did it take to sacrifice His purest most perfect lamb for us to have eternal life in Heaven with God? How much love does God have for us to be, not only, won over, but to be ravished by just one look? How strong does that love have to be that not even shifting mountains or shaking hills can not break the bond of love He has for us? How steadfast is a love that chooses to stay with us through every good time and every trial, bringing us victory time and time again?!?! PRAISE GOD!!!
Brothers and Sisters have been searching for this kind of love? Do you want this kind of love? Do want to throw all the empty promises away and feel the covenant of God?
If so, Just bow your head, and say Jesus I'm a sinner. I fall so short of your expectations and am sorry. But I know that I deserve this kind of love, so, please forgive me of my sins and take residence in my heart filling the emptiness with your undying, unwavering love!!! In your wonderful name I pray, Amen!!!
If you said this prayer, HALLELUJAH!!! Praise God and all that He does!!!
If you are already a believer I hope that these scriptures remind you that you are never alone and you are always deserving of the love you are searching for. That love can only be found in God through Jesus Christ!!!
Oh my goodness!!! I hope this morning was as powerful for you that is has been for me!! I how this day continues to be an enormously spirit filled Friday and carries on through the weekend!!!
Much love to all my brothers and sisters on this God given 19th of Feb.
Good morning my Brothers and Sisters!! As you can already tell a different format is going to be used today. While I certainly am more comfortable in yesterday's format, through prayer time, this if h... View MoreGood morning my Brothers and Sisters!! As you can already tell a different format is going to be used today. While I certainly am more comfortable in yesterday's format, through prayer time, this if how I recieved today's dialogue!! Sooooo, let's begin.
We have discussed going out and making disciples here lately, but we have not really touched on being prepared. It's kind of like sending a snake wrangler in without needed equipment!! Let's face it, the world can be a cruel place for unequipped Christians!!! And I this initial point is probably the most important point -
- Know your scripture!!!
In Eph. 6-17 Paul tells us to dawn the armor of God before exposing ourselves to the world. One piece of the armor is the Sword of the Spirit. Why is this piece so important? Because it is representation of the Word of God. With the Shield of Faith, the Sword of the Spirit is your defense to the attacks of the devil and his demons. Knowing God's word is protection that is needed to combat the worldly in order to reach the unsaved!!!
- Lean on God!!!
During these times of battle we WILL become weak. We WILL become lethargic so to speak. But, we WILL have God with us. Isa. 41:10 explains that there is no need to fear, get discouraged, or even angered. Why? Because God is with us. He will strengthen us. He will help us. He will even hold us up with HIS righteousness when we are not strong enough to hold ourselves up!
He will direct our foot steps!! Prov. 16:9 tells us that our own heart will pull us off course. We will go after our wants and desires of the flesh if left alone. So, in turn God has chosen to map out our path for us. If we praise Him, if we worship Him, if we maintain a strong and healthy relationship with God to tame the flesh, He will direct us to the path of rightousness!!!
Remember, OUR FLESH IS WEAK!!! Even the 12 disciples combated this weakness (Mat. 26:41). However, Jesus gave them the direction needed to defeat the flesh. He said to watch!!! Be attentive to our surrounding. The devil is sly, slick and cunning!!! He will find that kink in our armor, he will expose our weakness, and take advantage of it!!! So we must look with a watchful eye!!!
Pray!!! Pray for strength. Pray for wisdom. Pray for alertness. Pray for the things you must have to be successful in not only defending yourself, but what you need to complete your mission!!! Pray unceasingly while fully relying on God!!!
- We must have integrity!!! As a Christian, we must be the same person in private as we are in public!!!
We must be real to others, we must not be arrogant or with a know it all additude!! We must be real!! As stated in 2 Cor. 8-21, we must present ourselves as we would to Christ himself!!! These brothers and sisters deserve nothing less than anyone else!!!
We must do our best work when we go out into the battle field!!! We must work hard in outreach and missions work for two reasons. 1. We are doing Gods work, and nothing but the best will be good enough, and 2. We are fighting for souls!!! We are fighting for our brothers and sisters eternal life!! That's the goal! That's the trophy! Our brothers and sisters sitting next to us in the Kingdom!! There's no greater accomplishment!!
Brothers and Sisters I know I'm late!! I know it's a bit different today!!! But, I hope this reading enlightens you on this next to last day of the week!!
Much love from might to yours!!!
Romans 10:9-11 9that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
10For with the heart one believes unto righteousn... View MoreRomans 10:9-11 9that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.
10For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11For the Scripture says, "Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame."
This!!! This is the message we, as Brothers and sister in Christ, need to be spreading to the world!!! We can not reach out by staying in the friendly confines of a church building!!! We can not reach out by watching t.v. church!! We are called to "go out and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have taught you; and lo, He is with us always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 18-20)
There is no disgrace in following Gods plan for us. His plan revolves around us fulfilling the above scriptures. His plan for us is to expand His Kingdom!!! His gift to you could be a janitor or a realtor. First seek God and with His guidance use these gifts to introduce God, through Christ Jesus to others!!! He has given us all the tools to be successful in our jobs, but more importantly, He has given us all the tools to be successful in our charge to be Gods hands, feet, and mouth here on earth!!!
Say your prayers!!! Do your devotion!!! Use today as the start to diligently go after the unsaved!! Be fishers of men in a sea plentiful of bounty!!! EXPAND!! EXPAND!! EXPAND!!
God has graced us with another day!!! When and if you can get out, know that God loves you and is with you on this blisteringly cold Wednesday morning!!!
Happy harvesting!!! Much love from mine to yours!!!
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