I still believe in Freedom of choice!!
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These Rhinos say they won't be intimidated by we the people??
Guess what, YOU WORK for we the people, we pay your salary!!
These Rhinos need voted out Pronto!!
https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/... View More
RAGING RINOS: Anti-Jim Jordan GOPers TRIGGERED Over Constituents Slamming Their Despicable Votes - Americans Respond By Brutally Tearing the RINOS Apart | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger
As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier Wednesday, Jim Jordan lost a second bid for Speaker after 22 RINOs voted against him in a jealous fit.
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Steven James
You would think that the uni party would want to be in power since they have the majority, but Nope , they just want to play the part of the bitch.
Tricia Newman
We need to sue them for their salaries