For the last twenty years, we have experienced unprecedented events globally. This will continue to ... View More
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DavidB shared
We need Patriots!! Please join and help bring back sanity, loyalty and duty to our government. Post your frustrations and ideas and link up with fellow Patriots! WE NEED YOU!!! The Patriot Party!!
DavidB created group The Patriot Party
The Patriot Party
Politics and Elections
5001 members
Join the #1 group in Wimkin .....The Patriot Party! Where Patriots meet! This group is dedicated to the second American Revolution. We will overcome the satanic/ communist/big tech agenda and imprison the pedophile government elite. We MUST confiscate their illegally gained wealth and hold all accountable for the financial crimes that have occurred for the last 100 years. We will break the Illuminati banks, the controlling families, the plunderers and racists. We stand committed to peace, prosperity and American brotherhood. AND ABOVE ALL WE STAND FOR GOD AND DECLARE JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR AND DONALD TRUMP OUR DULY ELECTED LEADER!!
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I believe that being prepared for spiritual warfare is grossly under estimated in the prepping community as a whole. Because I know for a fact that without being prepared for spiritual warfare no othe
PIA Prepper Intelligence Alliance As One We Are None, But Together, We Are A Force! BooYAH!Ignorance does not make you immune, it only makes you vulnerable. ...