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Steven Breslin
Here's a little sweep picking exercise to warmup and get the day started. A tutorial will be up on my youtube channel tonight (link in bio). #sweeppickinglesson #sweeppicking #sweeppickingexercise #s... View More
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Steven Breslin
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Put up a video of you shredding! ?
May 15, 2021
Steven Breslin
Steven Breslin replied - 1 reply
Steven Breslin
I'll be back in the studio soon ??
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Steven Breslin
Here is the link to the DUST IN THE WIND intro tutorial. I break it down note for note. Start off slow and take it easy. Just hammer and repeat the Travis picking pattern, that is the driving force of... View More
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Steven Breslin
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Steven Breslin
Yours truly playing the: Glad to be back at work unison bends on a flying V lick ?lol
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