Publish Date: September 14, 2020
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Matthew Turner
POTUS - KICKS COVID19 - [17] Manic Monday RESEARCH As always its a Manic Monday and LOTS to discuss regarding POTUS and that unspoken Letter! Lets DIVE MATRIX BREAKERS into a world of Virii And Cons... View More
The Matrix Minds
The Matrix Minds
The REMOVAL of the RED Voices Begin ....
The Matrix Minds
Oh yes, ... Many of us have been. Including and not limited to a Total Removal of Account. Article- "Shadow ban (also known as ghost ban) is one of the most discussed aspects of social media pl... View More
The Matrix Minds
The Mind-Blowing Effects Of Mass Meditation. You must learn there is another way to defeat something you can not see. For those of you that believe violence is the only way? Think again ..... And th... View More
Matthew Turner
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Matthew Turner
Matrix Breakers you now have the option to take the podcast on the road. We are uploading our audio content to Spreaker. Just because you cannot participate in our live streams from time to time whe... View More
Matthew Turner
Matrix Breakers around the world? PREPARE FOR GLORY! Sent into the Matrix Minds Mail Box by Michelle Nobles. It is known as the winged planet, Nibiru, Worm wood.... View More
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The Matrix Minds
People around the GLOBE ... World Wide Patriots! Now more than ever its time your stand up and speak out. We are going over how being SILENT? Is CONSENT! Facebook Paying USERS to LOG OFF Before the... View More
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Bobby Hall
Yeah I feel that's why Facebook is putting everyone in jail so they can shut people up
September 16, 2020
Matthew Turner
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The Matrix Minds
Jason - Get in touch w/ME please.. I'd LIKE to discuss our goals here on the site and ( INTERVIEW ) you on MindsRadio. - We're CALLIN yah out Jason.. I/WE Believe in you my friend... Send me a [DM] a... View More
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