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Mary Martin Flowers
Trump 2016, 2020, and 2024.
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Mary Martin Flowers
I pray Trump wins and the people against them will get taken care of.
Mary Martin Flowers
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Could it be a DeSantis campaign person who really works for the dems is the one creating the pics? We've seen that the dems will stop at nothing. Lie, cheat, steal, create fake documents, hire people/groups to do their dirty work, etc. So why not this?
June 8, 2023
Mary Martin Flowers
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Randy Baker
Let's see, we fought a Revolutionary War to escape totalitarianism and fought a Civil War to purge our country of the evils of slavery enforced by the demonRats. Are we back to war again? God i pray not but i do know we've got at least 80 million people who'll fight for our freedom not to mention al... View More
June 8, 2023
Mary Martin Flowers
Bernie Sanders is screaming global warming because of the fires in Canada. There are reports coming out that many of the fires were because of arson. People started them. It is not about global warmin... View More
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Randy Baker
Trudeau would allow people to set fires without any fear of persecution. Only people this prick goes after are those trying to support Christianity.
June 8, 2023
Denise Johnson
Or at a minimum encourage thugs to set the fires SO THAT they can claim global warming… these tactics are getting old, eh?
June 8, 2023
Mary Martin Flowers
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