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Female. Lives in Eau claire, United States.
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Born again Christian, Trump supporter. I am here for exchanging thoughts with people who are Patrio... View More
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Luke Howitt
Hello everyone. I've created a page where we can all post news, share ideas and communicate with each other. Come check it out and give it a like to stay tuned in.
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This mask issue is getting out of hand... Let me ask those that wear masks, did you wear a mask each and every time that you came down with a cold or flu? Current medical consensus is that the covid ... View More
Luke Howitt
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Melissa Perkins
Trying to figure out how to message you here...
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Melissa Perkins
Or add me on FB at Stella Vemme
October 5, 2020
Melissa Perkins
Or ask Stormy Peele to message me
October 5, 2020
Debbie Summers
Thanks for the add! Hope your evening is going great. ?
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