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Elizabeth Rotenberg

Female. Lives in Toronto, Canada. Is widowed.
Company, Organization, or Institution » Media/News/Publishing
Elizabeth Rotenberg
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Elizabeth Rotenberg
Feedback is welcome.
December 6, 2020
Elizabeth Rotenberg
same eyes.....for sure.
December 6, 2020
Forest Wayne Hobert
Thats crazy someone else give some feed back i can beleave my lying eyes
December 6, 2020 Edited
Elizabeth Rotenberg
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Elizabeth Rotenberg
Any thoughts?
December 6, 2020
Brad Petersen
Brad Petersen replied - 1 reply
Elizabeth Rotenberg
working on finding more.
December 6, 2020
Please join and post on our wall...all Patriots are welcome!
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Elizabeth Rotenberg
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Angry (1)
Elizabeth Rotenberg
Don't be mistaken... This isn't a battle between Rep. and Dem. This is a war being fought in the spiritual realm. Trump must win.
Elizabeth Rotenberg
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Trixie Fowler
November 17, 2020
Bruce small
I wish... But thus is just too stupid to read
December 1, 2020
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