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Joshua Warren
Dem politicians are economic MORONS! Shutter businesses for better part of a year, then call for $15 minimum wage! Idiots!
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Lisa Rao
And democrat voters are even stupider!
February 1, 2021
Robert-Briggs replied - 1 reply
Any employer listening is stupid they are bankrupt no contract to function in USA
February 1, 2021
Joshua Warren
As a legislator, Maxine Waters knows that you can't convict someone of a crime that is proven he or she did not commit. Sadly, the lawless, vindictive Democrats, who themselves are guilty of numerous ... View More
Joshua Warren
Vote of Conscience? Really, Mitch? I don't believe Mitch can really help himself. Perhaps he should plan to make a one way trip back to his home planet and leave us poor Earthlings to work out our ow... View More
Joshua Warren
Concise, detailed explanation of what it all means. General McInerney
Join the fastest growing group in Wimkin...Tea Party Patriots! Where Patriots meet!
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Joshua Warren
Suggestion for those leaving Fakebook: Many people are leaving Fakebook and deleting their accounts. Before shutting down your account completely, it might be a good idea to salvage as much of your c... View More
Joshua Warren
Joshua Warren
According to: https://ballot-access.org/2020/10/24/nationwide-voter-registration-data-by-party/ Nationwide Voter Registration Data by Party Posted October 24, 2020 by Richard Winger... View More
Joshua Warren
Joshua Warren
Check out this article from the Mayo Clinic App. http://applnk.mayoclinic.org/RR6Ebkg
Joshua Warren
What is something you have done which you are fairly confident you're the ONLY person on my friends list to have ever done??? (stole this question from a friend because the responses were fabulous!)
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Joshua Warren
Piloting the SR-71
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