I know this post is long but read it all if you want to know of some of what is going on.
Zoning claims we have had issues with them since 1984. But that had been resolved by my dad, who explained w... View MoreI know this post is long but read it all if you want to know of some of what is going on.
Zoning claims we have had issues with them since 1984. But that had been resolved by my dad, who explained what he was doing. His recycling of things irritated someone who brought in zoning.
As zoning did not mention another incident until 2019, obviously that was dealth with and there were no further issues between those dates, or they would have mentioned them.
That some of the neighbors want us gone and hassle us as much as possible does not mean that we are a costant source of irritation. They are the constant source of irritation, we just do not call the authorities in on them.
What the neighbors call trash, or words that I do not speak--is very simple. Dad did not like to waste anything. He was a carpenter. A lot of stuff that was good or could be recycled, dad brought home to be reused instead of going into the landfill.
He stripped out the valuable stuff inside wires and things that had mostly copper, but also some silver and gold. It took time, but it was worth it to get salvage prices for the individual items, not the straight rate.
He was ahead of his time about recycling, repurposing and upcycling.
He wanted to do a non-toxic "green" construction company the right way. He never got to that. There was little interest up here at that time.
Maybe zoning and the neighbors do not care about the environment, but we do and dad did. The siding, doors, windows and some of the other stuff in our the shop were upcycled.
When we hit hard times the metal prices were up. He and my bother Sam got rid of most of the metal dad had saved then. He paid several mortgage payments with the profits. What metal he kept was good metal that could be used for something. But we had to get rid of it when metal prices were so low they just picked it up, but paid nothing.
We had to give it away to scrapers because of zoning after dad died. That metal could have been sold when the prices went up, which they have. And that would have been a great help.
Joshua is getting the metal out of the house fire to sell but he only has so much time, with working long hours and people keep bothering us. And that takes away not only our peace but our time.
Our property is surrounded by trees. So you really cannot see much from the road or the neighbor's overly long driveway. And they cannot even see the trees that border our property from their house.
So even if the place was trash it would be our problem not anyone else's. But it is not. So why bother us? Maybe because they could not see in.
When the health inspector and police officers came they admitted the animals and birds looked good and healthy. But zoning knew that already because they have been here almost every time someone has bothered us. They knew everything was good. They were here last year for the outhouse. Maybe they just wanted to bother us and used an anonymous letter to invade our privacy.
If they had come in the summer they would have seen my beautiful gardens, flowering fruit trees, fragrant lilacs, roses and bushes. Maybe not as beautiful as some people's gardens as I have a lot of wildflowers for the bees and butterflies. And because the chickens like some of my flowers I cannot have as many as I would like, but still it is a pretty place. And I love it.
Would I like some newer stuff? Yes. Would I like some nicer things? Yes. But I am happy for what I do have. The way to be happy is not to long for better stuff, it is to be happy with what you have.
This is the life we have chosen to live, on purpose. You do not have to live this way. Your life may not be bothered by zoning now, but that could change with one regulation change.
What if zoning regulations changed and they told you that you had to live off-the-grid? That if you want power you had to have solar? That you could only use a composting toilet? That rain water was your water source? What if all septics and plumbing had to be removed or you would be fined?
Or they would fine you monthly or threaten to take away your property, or imprison you if you did not comply?
All these things they have threatened my mom, a poor widow just trying to live her life.
The reason they can do this, they say as they threaten you, is because they can get a court order and if you continue in violation you could be charged with contempt of court, be imprisoned, fined and your property can be seized.
There are so many regulations that if they wanted to hassle you they could.
They have admitted that they do look at people's Facebook posts. They admitted to looking at mom's Facebook posts trying to look for violations through that. They admitted that they could drive by and look for zoning violations on anyone's property.
They have admitted that nothing is stopping them from being an anonymous complainer. This could be stopping immediately if they were not allowed to accept anonymous complaints and if the accuser would face criminals charges if the complaint was proven false, or exaggerated.
Do not ignore this warning now or you may regret it later. Even if you are influential, rich, or powerful, you are not safe because the media is turning the youth against you. The youth will be the next zoning officers, law makers, police officers, health inspectors, the makers of regulations.
Times can be hard but we keep pushing on. How we live really is none of anyone's business. If we are happy about it, how does that harm anyone? And I do not want to hear that it is out of concern for us.
I only get sick about once every 3 or 4 years. Mom went 8 years since her last sickness. We are healthy people. We do not smoke. We do not use toxic chemicals for anything. We care deeply about our animals and the environment, and they know that.
I do not want to hear that they are doing anything because they care about us, the animals or anyone else. It is all about control.
And I do not want to hear that anyone of them care about animals. So many dogs and cats are killed in shelters every day. Do not get me started about big business farming, those poor laying hens, not to mention milking cows, how about the torture animals go through for people to get their pokes. People feed live kittens, bunnies, chicks and ducklings to snakes. Baby roosters are ground up alive. It is sick and twisted. That all is legal, but they bug me on our cute little farm.
People legally endanger their health and the health of their family daily. Imagine if the health inspector could hassle anyone over what is listed below.
People can drink to excess, smoke, smoke around their poor animals and kids. They can eat junk food in excess, and regularly feed that to their kids. They can feed low quality pet food to their pets that can cause poor health and may shorten their lives. They can poison mice and kill owls and other birds and animals illegal to kill, because they ate the poisoned mouse. They can use toxic chemicals that pollute the environment and their homes, harmful to themselves, their family and their pets. They can use harmful pesticides that could kill bees and butterflies thus harming the food supply. People can mountain climb, skydiving, camp in sub-zero temperature.
No Government agancy should be allowed to tell people how to live, even if it is healthier for them.
So, again, I do not want to hear anyone say these agencies care about people's health or animals. They do not. We are living a natural lifestyle, one that does not hurt the environment, one that could be easier, but it is our life to live how we like to live it.
After our house fire we wanted to put in a composting toilet, legal in all 50 states. We planned on starting with the one that made ash out of waste. It was small enough to put in the camper, not too pricey and a good way of getting rid of one's waste.
We never even imagined they would say we could not. But when mom went to get the permit for one, they told mom that we could not have a composting toilet unless we never planned on getting water and an odd change to the property deed. No one could explain why there was such a backward regulation or why anyone would enforce it.
We really wanted to get the gas composting toilet for the house. It is legal in all 50 states. It would have let us make gas with our waste, animal waste and plant waste. We could have even taken in some horse poo off the neighbors hands, if they had wanted to, to make gas, the more waste the merrier.
This system cannot explode. It is made to deflat if something goes wrong. It is safer than natural gas. It would has provided us with clean gas for cooking and some heating as in the north the system needs to be put in a heated building, so some of its gas would have to be used to keep the waste from freezing in the winter.
But we never got to it as zoning already said "no" to any compsoting toilet and were pressuring us to come up with another alternative.
They would not accept driving the RV to town to dispose of the waste at the RV waste stations.
Ok, why not? So we were trying to work this issue out. Trying to figure out how we could manage what was required. All of this happening while we are working our farm and doing all our back to basic things, and dealing with our fire and all of our losses.
So we ordered a porta potty like they use on job sites. The company took away the waste. We figured this would give us time to come up with something more permanent.
Oh but no, zoning could not have that either so in late fall they said septic or a legal outhouse were our only options. The septic guy said there was too much to do to get a septic in and the outhouse was our best option.
He showed us what spot would be best for him to pump it and what type we should install. We took his advice. But to do that all the money we had set aside for our whole house solar and the gas composting system were gone.
The zoning regulations are very backwards up here. I am sick of it and everyone else should be too. We need to start calling them out on it.
We have some solar. We can watch TV, charge the cell phones, have lights etc. We have a little camping fridge. But the whole house solar would have been just like we were on the grid, most of the time. Up North you usually need to unplug your fridge in winter, but you have all the snow you can use to make into an ice box.
But we may have gone with a gas fridge, who knows. But zoning, because they care about us and our health so much left us with only the option of an outhouse instead.
I am would imagine the neighbors would have been happier with us having the gas composter.
I know our way of life would have been more comfortable with our whole house solar and gas composting toilet, but they do not care, they just want you to to do things their way or else.
Is that American? Should this be allowed? We have the legal right to have a composting toilet in all 50 states, so why cannot we? Zoning regulations. They say we can fight to change them but give us no time to if we want to comply with what they require now.
Why does zoning even exist in America? It should not, really.
All I can say is "come quickly Lord Jesus". I will have my gas composting toilet in His millennial kingdom unless He has something better.
What we need to ask ourselves is why does zoning have so much power to mess up people's lives. We are law abiding citizens. We have never done anything to hurt anyone. We live our lives and let others be.
Everyone could have a reason to complain about their neighbors. But most of us do not, even if we do not agree with their lifestyle.
Live your own life. Do not hassle your neighbors. Pick the plank out of your own eye. Most people can remove their own speck from their eye. You do not need to.